Rachael Owens, National Retrofit Hub
Rachael Owens
co-director, National Retrofit Hub | head of sustainability, Buckley Gray Yeoman
National Retrofit Hub

Rachael Owens is co-Director of the National Retrofit Hub, a non-profit collaborative organisation that brings together those involved in the sector to enable the local delivery of retrofit at scale. Rachael is also an architect and Head of Sustainability at Buckley Gray Yeoman, a practice that champions the adaptive reuse of existing buildings. Rachael sits on the NLA Net Zero expert panel and in 2021 was named a RIBA Journal Rising Star for her work in practice to communicate sustainable design and within the Architects Climate Action Network to campaign for the regulation of embodied carbon emissions. Rachael is a WELL accredited professional. She actively tries to reach out to the wider construction industry to tackle the climate crisis, and has guest tutored at London School of Architecture, the University of East London and Kingston University. In 2023 Rachael joined the RIBA Stirling Prize jury as the sustainability expert.

My Sessions
Light-Touch Versus Deep Retrofit Approaches
Presentation 2. Queen Charlotte