Hattie Hartman, The Architects' Journal
Hattie Hartman
sustainability editor
The Architects' Journal

An enthusiastic champion for sustainable architecture, I welcome every opportunity to engage with practitioners in the UK and abroad who are leading the way. Trained as an architect and urban planner, I now work as journalist, writing primarily on sustainable design, mostly for The Architects' Journal in London.

I participate widely in industry juries in the UK and abroad, chair events and lecture on mainstreaming green design. Other interests include Olympic legacy (in London and Rio de Janeiro - two cities I know well) and Brazilian architecture and urbanism.

Raised in America and trained as an architect and urban planner at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I have lived in London since 1991. After 15 years in practice in Brasília, Washington, D.C. and London, serendipity and the opportunity to interview Oscar Niemeyer led me into journalism in 1998. I have never looked back.

My Sessions
Book Signing with Hattie Hartman
Book signing Octagon lobby