2025 categories

For buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025 (except for the Retrofit revisited and Future reuse categories)

*Please note the editorial team reserves the right to split categories by cost or move entries into different categories that are more appropriate


Adaptive reuse into mixed use

The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to multiple uses other than that for which it was originally built.

Adaptive reuse into office

The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to a new use that must include workspace. The new use must differ to that for which it was originally built.

Adaptive reuse into residential

The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to a new use that must include housing. The new use must differ to that for which it was originally built. Excludes one off houses

Adaptive reuse into other

The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to a single use other than office or residential and other than that for which it was originally built.

Climate resilience and adaptation

Projects with a focus on adaptations/additions intended to deal with or mitigate environmental change and weather extremes. Can be adaptions to both/either built fabric or landscaping including increased shading, incorporation of green roofs, landscaping SuDS strategies etc.

Conservation and historic

The restoration or careful upgrade of ancient, historic or listed buildings and structures.

Decarbonisation and net zero

Projects involving the environmental upgrade of fabric and services of large or multi-occupancy buildings or multiple buildings across a property portfolio. OR data-driven projects that have specifically or demonstrably targeted net zero benchmarks during their upgrade in anticipation of the grid becoming decarbonised. For example: Council schemes to upgrade and electrify housing stock etc.

Deconstruction and reuse

New-build or retrofit projects demonstrating circularity and the reuse of building components, materials and structural elements from previous buildings. For example, can be reclaimed doors or flooring. Excludes reuse of a stripped back concrete frame alone.


Projects focused on the rework and refresh of interior spaces, including shop and commercial fit-outs, employing low-carbon and circular economy principles.

Future reuse

Planned and future projects on the drawing board, particularly those looking to push the envelope in terms of retrofit and reuse.

Meanwhile and grassroots

Neighbourhood-based and community-initiated and/or led projects, or temporary retrofit projects for meanwhile use in anticipation of a larger retrofit scheme.

Positive addition

Projects that include new build adjoining an old/existing element. Must involve the renovation of the existing as well as a new build addition that together extend the useful life of the whole. Existing needs to be larger in sqm than new build element. Excludes domestic projects.

Private/individual renovation

From domestic renovations and home extensions to other personal projects designed to improve private houses or properties.

Project under £800,000

Retrofit on a budget and for smaller renovation or adaptive reuse projects.

Retrofit revisited

Open to retrofits over five years old celebrating proven long-life/long-lasting projects. Can include projects that have previously been entered for an AJ Retrofit Award. Project must have been completed before January 2020.