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To register and start your entry, please click on a category below. If you have previously started, however, please log in on the right hand side.

We would advise completing your entry in Microsoft Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or have any questions, please contact Courtney Jenkins at +44 (0)20 3953 2069 or via email at courtney.jenkins@emap.com.  

The extended entry deadline for the AJ Retrofit & Reuse Awards is 7 March 2025. The winners will be announced at The Brewery, London on 10 September 2025.

*Please note the editorial team reserves the right to split categories by cost or move entries into different categories.

The AJ Retrofit & Reuse Awards are open to projects in the UK only.


The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to multiple uses other than that for which it was originally built.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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Judging criteria

Judges will assess each entry on how the project has delivered a solution that has given the client a better alternative to demolition and new build, as well as the extent to which it provides a holistic model for environmental design and for future similar projects. Judges will also examine how the project’s design has contributed to lowering comparable whole-life carbon emissions (including that of the original or alternative demolition/new build scenario), using measured/and or predicted data to evidence this. For guidance, we recommend referring to LETI’s publications or using the RICS methodology. Judges will also assess other measures of environmental best practice such as how the project addresses biodiversity, climate adaptation and future resilience. Entries should of course also include other key architectural judging criteria such as beauty, innovation, delivering the scheme on time and to budget, collaborative working and evidence of client or user satisfaction.

Your entry should therefore address, where possible/applicable, the following eight points:

  1. Design. How has your project excelled in answering the brief to the client’s satisfaction in terms of outstanding design? To what extent has your design transformed the existing building?
  2. Demolition. Was full demolition and rebuild considered and, if so, why and how was an alternative approach taken? Within the wider retrofit project, were some elements of the existing building demolished and, if so, please detail these and the reasons for this along with justification for any new added fabric.
  3. To what extent have clients, project partners, stakeholders, and the wider community (as applicable) been involved in this project from the outset?
  4. Operational energy. Please provide all available data on the operational energy performance of the building, ideally covering three time periods – before the project, during the design stage, and after completion – in kWh/m2/yr. If possible, include energy use intensity, space heating and describe the strategies for services (heating, ventilation, renewables etc) and fabric (insulation, windows, airtightness, thermal bridges, moisture control).
  5. Embodied energy. How has the design addressed embodied energy? What are the project’s principal materials and how has it sought to reduce construction waste? Please provide all available embodied carbon performance data in kgCO2/m2and, ideally, a whole lifecycle assessment.
  6. Environmental performance. How does your project perform holistically considering factors such as biodiversity, transport, water use, air quality and resilience in terms of events such as flooding, storms and overheating? How is energy supplied to the project and what efforts have been made to reduce or end reliance on fossil fuels? i.e. what fuel type is used and why? Please describe any plans for or actual use of soft landings and/or post-occupancy evaluation.
  7. Retrofit innovation. Please detail any technical innovation which contributed towards the success of the retrofit. How does the building now address flexibility and adaptability for a long-life/loose-fit future?
  8. Outreach. What outreach activities if any were undertaken using this project to help inspire others?

*If you have entered the Future reuse category, please adapt the questions and answers accordingly to the proposed scheme

The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to a new use that must include workspace. The new use must differ to that for which it was originally built.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to a single use other than office or residential and other than that for which it was originally built.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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The conversion and repurposing of an existing building to a new use that must include housing. The new use must differ to that for which it was originally built. Excludes one off houses.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

This item is not available

Projects with a focus on adaptations/additions intended to deal with or mitigate environmental change and weather extremes. Can be adaptions to both/either built fabric or landscaping including increased shading, incorporation of green roofs, landscaping SUDS strategies etc.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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The restoration or careful upgrade of ancient, historic or listed buildings and structures.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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Projects involving the environmental upgrade of fabric and services of large or multi-occupancy buildings or multiple buildings across a property portfolio. OR data-driven projects that have specifically or demonstrably targeted net zero benchmarks during their upgrade in anticipation of the grid becoming decarbonised. For example: Council schemes to upgrade and electrify housing stock etc.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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New-build or retrofit projects demonstrating circularity and the reuse of building components, materials and structural elements from previous buildings. For example, can be reclaimed doors or flooring. Excludes reuse of a stripped back concrete frame alone.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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Projects focused on the rework and refresh of interior spaces, including shop and commercial fitouts, employing low-carbon and circular economy principles.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

This item is not available

Planned and future projects on the drawing board, particularly those looking to push the envelope in terms of retrofit and reuse.

Eligibility: buildings completed after 1 January 2026

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Neighbourhood-based and community-initiated and/or led projects, or temporary retrofit projects for meanwhile use in anticipation of a larger retrofit scheme.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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Projects that include new build adjoining an old/existing element. Must involve the renovation of the existing as well as a new build addition that together extend the useful life of the whole. Existing needs to be larger in sqm than new build element. Excludes domestic projects.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

This item is not available

From domestic renovations and home extensions to other personal projects designed to improve private houses or properties and one off houses.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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Retrofit on a budget and for smaller renovation or adaptive reuse projects.

Eligibility: buildings completed between 1 July 2023 and 31 January 2025

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Open to retrofits over five years old celebrating proven long-life/long-lasting projects. Can include projects that have previously been entered for an AJ Retrofit Award. Project must have been completed before January 2020.

Eligibility: buildings completed before 1 December 2019

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